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(Incorporated under the Joint Stock Companies Act of 1862, whereby the liability of each Shareholder is limited to the amount of his Shares.)

Capital, £10,000, in 1000 Shares of £10 Each. (With power to increase the same, if required.)
Deposit, £1 per Share on Application, and £1 on Allotment.

The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Portsmouth, Eggesford, N. D.
The Hon. Mark Rolle, Stevenstone, North Devon.
James Wentworth Buller, Esq., Downes, M.P. for N. Devon.
J. C. Moore Stevens, Esq., Winscott.
James Peard Ley, Esq., Bideford.
Thomas Burnard Chanter, Esq., Bideford, N. Devon.
William Henry Ackland, Esq., M.D., Bideford
Thomas Pynsent, Esq., Torquay, Devon.
Edwin R. Davy, Esq., Barnstaple, Devon.
Capt. John Pyke, R.N., Ford, Bideford, Devon.
Adderly B. Wren, Esq., Lenwood, Northam Devon.
Alfred Gosset, Esq., Collector. of Customs, Bideford, Devon.
Col.John Ross Wheeler, Northam, Devon.

The National Provincial Bank of England, Bideford.

Messrs. Medland & Maberly, Gloucester and Exeter Hall, London.

James Rooker, Esq., Bideford.

John Groves Cooper, Esq., Wear Gifford, near Bideford. Temporary Offices, at the Solicitor’s Offices, Bridgeland Street, Bideford.

This Company has been formed for the erection of a Family Hotel, on an Estate purchased for the purpose immediately contiguous to Northam Burrows, and of Villas and Lodging Houses for Sale or Lease. The want of such accommodation has long been felt, and as no attempt to supply it has hitherto been made by individuals, it is deemed to be a legitimate project to be undertaken by a Company.

The salubrity and beauty of the North of Devon have long been known and appreciated. Sir JAMES CLARKE has placed it in the highest position for health-giving qualities; and the recent publication of PROFESSOR KINGSLEY’S “Westward Ho” has excited increased public attention to the western part, more especially, of this romantic and beautiful coast. Nothing but a want of accommodation for visitors has hitherto prevented its being the resort of families seeking the advantages of sea bathing, combined with the invigorating breezes of the Atlantic.

That part of the coast, between Hartland Point and the rocky headlands west of Ilfracombe, embracing the embouchure of the rivers Taw and Torridge, is singularly adapted for this purpose, “each romantic glen, each rough and craggy rock, lends a charm to this beautiful coast,” and to no part of it more so than to the locality known as Northam Burrows, and its neighbourhood.

The Hotel and Villas will be situate about two and a half miles from Bideford and the Railway Station, open to the Atlantic, with Lundy Island and the coast of Wales in the distance, close to the Burrows—a wide expanse of smooth turf, 1000 acres in all adapted for cricketing, and the Scotch game of Golf, and protected from the sea by the extraordinary pebble ridge—with a noble beach of hard dry sand, two miles in extent, fitted for equestrian and pedestrian exercises. Special provision will be made for affording the advantages of sea bathing.

The student in Natural History will find in this rich but unexplored part of the coast ample opportunities for his researches in the “Wonders of the sea shore.”

A contract has been entered into for the purchase of a Freehold Estate of about 75 acres. The elevated parts of the ground will be laid out in walks, commanding magnificent and varying prospects, and the portions of the Estate not immediately required for the purposes of the Company, will continue to be occupied as a farm.

With regard to the expected dividend, the directors will not follow the usual example of holding out unreasonable expectations. Having shown that the undertaking will afford a legitimate supply of a long felt want, they think. themselves entitled upon the principle of demand and supply, as well as from the experience of other projects of a kindred nature, to anticipate a fair and reasonable return for the capital expended.

They have already received intimations from several parties of their desire to take Villas and from highly respectable contractors of their readiness to undertake the work on favourable terms.

A sufficient amount of shares having been taken, the building operations will be immediately commenced.

The several banks at Bideford, Barnstaple, and Torrington, and the other branches of the National Provincial Bank of England, are authorized to receive deposits and calls.


To the Directors of the Northam Burrows Hotel and Villa Company (Limited)

Gentlemen, ___ having paid _____ the Deposit of £1 per Share on Shares in the above. Company, I request you to allot me that number of Shares, and I agree to accept such Shares, or any less number, to be allotted to me, and to sign the Articles of Association when required; and I authorize you to place my name on the Register of Shareholders for the Shares so alloted.

Name in full ………………………………………..
Address ………………………………………………
Description …………………………………………
Dated …………………………………………………


Received the _____ 1863, from _______ the sum of as the Deposit of £1 per Share on ______ Shares in the above Company.