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Racquets Club

The Racquets Court was built by then private Westward Ho! estate at the request of Major John Henry Lamont who lived in Golfstone now Culloden, he also contributed to the building cost.

The land was part of his garden even though it was on the opposite side of the road and ran all the way to the next road. He was a very sporting man and a great polo player.

When the estate came up for sale in 1907 it was still part of the Garden and consisted of tiled Squash Racket Court together with Smoking Lounge and Dressing room Over. There are also Greenhouses, Vinery in 3 compartments, range of six light pits, second range of eight light pits, stone brick and tiled motor house and pit, stone built corrugated roof potting shed and two petrol houses plus WC.

Major Lamont was still living there in 1914 but in a 1919 directory Golfstone was lived in by a Stanley Jackson and The Racquet Court by  Harry Lindsay Tilly.

In a 1930 Directory Mrs Tilly was living at the Racquet Court and there was a market gardener at Racquet Court gardens.

It seems to have changed it\’s name by 1939 to Gardenia.